The Portland Public Art Committee meetings are held remotely (via Zoom) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4pm. Please refer to the City’s Agenda Center for upcoming meeting details.
Who We Are, What We Do
The Portland Public Art Committee preserves, restores, and enhances the City’s public art collection. The Committee’s objective is to promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the City and its citizens through art. Nine Portland residents and/or Portland based professionals comprise the voting members of the Committee. Six members are appointed by Portland’s City Council to serve a period of three years and are selected based on experience related to public art, including but not limited to experience as architects, landscape architects, professional curators, professional artists, and/or educators. The remaining three members of the PPAC include one City Councilor, a member of Creative Portland, and a member recommended by the City Manager.
View our PSA:
Although the PPAC is primarily tasked with commissioning new art work, reviewing proposed gifts to the collection, and maintaining the collection, its focus is to support public art in Portland. As such, members serve the committee by developing and presenting the Annual Art Plan to the City Council; establishing administrative guidelines; seeking donations for projects not funded under the purview of the percent-for-art allocation; and extending expertise and advice to artists or citizens with ideas that contribute to public art in Portland, among other services.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the PPAC, gifting art to the City, reviewing requirements for proposals, or obtaining other information regarding the Committee and its responsibilities, please review the links below.
If you would like to learn more about the ordinance passed by the City of Portland establishing a Public Art Program, please click on the following link: “Article XI. Public Art Program.” In the Ordinance, you will find the information regarding the Program’s established purpose, the official definition of public art, allowances for funding, and administrative responsibilities.
If, however, you are more interested in the guidelines created and upheld by the PPAC, please click on the following link: “Guidelines for the Public Art Program.” In this document, you will find the following up-to-date policy information: commissioning new artwork, reviewing proposed gifts, selecting artists and artwork, project documentation and records, community artwork or art projects, maintenance of collection, relocation of artwork, and deaccessioning artwork.
Please visit the City of Portland Public Art webpage for information regarding PPAC meetings, the Annual Art Plan, Committee Guidelines, Temporary Public Art Guidelines, any current projects or requests for proposals, maintenance and conservation, and much more.
From time to time, the City of Portland receives offers from potential donors interested in contributing artwork to the City’s Public Art Collection for placement on City property. If you or your organization wishes to gift of public art, please review the Information & Inquiry Document and contact with any questions or requests.
Committee Members
Anna Berke, Chair
Sharon Dennehy, Vice-Chair
Kat Zagaria Buckley
Phoebe Cole
Alison Gibbs
Kelly Hrenko, City Manager appointee
Sarah Michniewicz, City Councilor
Stephanie Motter
Saa Rosenblatt
John Whipple
Ronnie Wilson, Creative Portland appointee
City Staff
Sean King, Urban Designer